Easter at Friedman park

easter sunday at friedman park
Easter; A New Beginning!
We will be celebrating Easter Sunday at Friedman Park. Our faith community will be joining together for one incredible, celebration worship service at 10am.
We will gather at the Amphitheater in Friedman Park for a long-awaited time of corporate worship. We invite you to bring blankets or lawn chairs, wear your mask, and socially distance. We have also reserved the West Pavilion so if you would like to bring a sack lunch you may congregate there after worship. The playground and restrooms will be close by and golf carts are available for those needing assistance.
Friedman Park is located off Oak Grove at 2700 Park Blvd, Newburgh, IN 47630.

Holy Week Information
MAUNDY (or Holy) THURSDAY April 1: 5:30pm-7:30pm In-person Communion will be offered in the sanctuary. You may drop in any time during those 2 hours and Pastor Craig will be present to offer you the Sacrament of Holy Communion safely through individual prepackaged cup and bread. You may stay in the sanctuary and pray and reflect.
GOOD FRIDAY April 2: 5:30pm-7:30pm In-person prayer walk and stations of the cross will be set up in the Life Center for you to come inside for a time of prayer and reflection in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice for all humanity.