We strive to nurture an environment where children KNOW God's Story, GROW in their friendship with Jesus, and GO to serve through the power of the Holy Spirit.
8:45am Sunday School Class
-Nursery care is available for children in G-5.
-Kindergarten - 5th grade are invited to Sunday School classes in G-10.
-Youth Members (6th - 12th grade) are invited to come learn what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus downstairs in the Youth Room.
10:00am Worship
-All children are welcome in worship.
-Nursery care is available for children 0-4 in G-5.
-Pre-K-5th grade are invited to Kids Church. Kids will sit in worship through the Children's Moment (the time where the Pastor of Children, Youth and Family) and then kids are welcome to follow her out to room G-10 for Kids Church.
We are looking for volunteers!
We could use your help in the nursery and Kids Church. If you would like to help or just learn more information please email Lisa Vaughan, Pastor of Children, Youth and Family. (lisa@newburghumc.org)